This picture makes me looks so fake professional. It was taken after a very, very long day b/c Noah needed a picture of me in work clothes for a project he was working on.
So, my typical work day is this: I'm on a 8 week orientation, currently working 12 hour day shift w/ a preceptor, 36 hours a week. It's my 5th week on the unit and I finally feel like maybe I can do this. Not only have I not been in this kind of acute care in about 10 years but it seems like everything is different....meds, how they do things....only computers for charts.... even noting your orders on computer. Not to mention that I thought I was taking a position in Coronary Intensive Care and it turns out....(silly me)...that its a Medical Intensive Care Unit. So....I'm learning Renal, Neuro., and lots of Septic Shock, and updating my cardiac, hemodynamic monitoring skills. They get everything and ladies do I have some really yucky, grody stories to tell you over a good meal of course:) The work people are really nice, but the job is fast ....and sometimes I feel like I'm going so fast, I would like to stop and think about some things. Any way, a huge learning curve....and I have to take an ICU exam in about 3 weeks to complete my orientation. So, I will eventually be on nights and hopefully sleep more. Sounds funny, but right now I get up at 4am....leave on my bike at 4:45am....get to the 5:20 ferry....arrive in Seattle @ to Virginia Mason Hospital by 6:15...clean up, on the unit @ till 7:30pm....catch the 8:10 ferry home...again bike....and walk in the door @ 9:15pm. Wow....I'm exhausted thinking about it. But its 3 days a week...and Dan has offered to pick me up whenever I want. But, I love the money were saving...the hopital pays for 75% of my commute and so it only cost me $37 a month to travel to work and back. And, its sometimes amazing to me to see all the bikers that get up early to ride to the ferry every morning and scurry off in all directions when we arrive in Seattle down town. It's dark and b/c it's fall now those 3 days of work I only see daylight through my patients windows.
It's all so new....I feel like my life is comepletely's not bad, its just very different.
Miss you! If you think of me, pray for me:)
Crazy busy!! I enjoy your posts!
I think you look great for working all day. I miss you! Sounds like you are very busy. But hey, you are in great shape!
Oh, Kirsten, what a different life! I'm half wanting to cry for you and half fascinated with the new way of things. I will pray for you. Thank you for that detailed post of the reality of what you do -- I feel like I "know" you a little better. I'm so impressed that you're doing what I consider the most challenging kind of nursing there is. Your brain will certainly not be getting rusty like mine is. I miss you! Seriously, you have me considering how we might make a visit this winter. Again....Charissa???
That brings back such memories! Of course, not the biking and ferry rides, but long hours, fascinating patients and not seeing the sunlight. Only 3 more weeks!
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