So, Noah broke his arm again in the same spot as he did last fall, but this time a little worse. He was playing basketball w/ friends during school and he and a buddy thought it would be fun to play the "tripping game". Noah tripped his friend and his friend tripped him back. However, Noah fell backwards and apparently landed wrong on his right elbow. So, this time the doctor recommended surgery to pin it and keep it still and grow back properly. It was a long day @ Children's Medical Center in Seattle. Our surgeon was 2 1/2 hours behind schedule finishing up a spinal surgery. Children's did a great job taking care of us and Noah, and I am extremely grateful for all they do. I was a little nervous before they took Noah back to the O.R.....I was recommending a break for the surgeon...maybe a latte w/ extra shots to keep him extra alert? It had already been a full day for him, and it was now 3:30pm and he was just getting started on my kid. Thankfully all went smoothly except, right after they took out his iv he started feeling nauseous, no more Zofran for him. He proceeded to vomit the next 2 hours- argh. Thankfully anesthesia wears off and he woke up fine this am w/ his normal stomach of steel eating breakfast and drinking coffee. He will get his cast of next week and put in a sling....he should be good as new, although he obviously couldn't do wrestling season this winter, and probably won't be fully recovered for a couple of months.
Miss all who read my "homely" little blog- hugs to everyone....
So sorry. OUCH. Hope he's better soon.
I love your "homely" little blog. I hope Noah recovers quickly.
soo sorry for Noah - I do miss him. Well keep him in our prayers...and you too1
Oooh, poor Noah! Now he's gonna set off the metal detector everytime he flies and he'll be a terror suspect.
hope that you will be fine
ouch that hurts you should follow my blog about the best soccer team in the world
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