Saturday, July 3, 2010


Last week Dan and I had a great opportunity to go to a Mariners game in Seattle. We sat with some of my work mates in the Virginia Mason suite and gorged on free hot dogs, popcorn and soda pop....hmmm:) Thanks to a manager @ work, who wasn't able to go, thanks Shirley! She gave me her ticket, and that meant one Donohue child could come with....Wilson was the pick. (too hard to explain why he was chosen) Anyway, a very fun, exciting game against the Cubs that tied until the 13th inning.....sadly we lost, but if your going to lose, at least it was to the Cubs, right? No, but what can you do?
These pictures were taken by Sally and her new camera, she's on the far left...and continuing on is Laura, Kate, Andrea, Valerie, GiGi & daughter Chloe, me and Katie. Several others were there too, but must of left early...Danica, Adam, Pavla.....hope I'm not missing anyone. Lovely time w/ all of you!!! and thanks Virginia Mason!!!!