Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Battle Wound

This looks much worse than it was....but doesn't he look sad? The boys love to go trail riding on their bikes. Well, this day was rainy (of course) and slick and Wilson took a dive on his new birthday bike.
He and the bike are fine....and he got lots of sympathies to make him feel secretly proud of enduring his first bike wreck.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Wilson

My sweet Wilson turned 11 years old August 18th. Wow! I just have a few things to say about this boy. He is brave. He has the most adorable laugh, it always makes me smile when I hear it, kind of like a belly giggle- very cute. He still loves to give me hugs and will probably be the one checking on Dan and I when were old and gray. Of course, I could say lots more about this special boy, but these are some of my favorite things:)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Evergreen State

On the vehicle license plate it says Washington is the Evergreen State. I'd say so. Last week when my father'n law was in town we went on a family day trip to the Olympic peninsula. Its basically the entire national forest land between us and the Pacific ocean. It includes the Olympic mountains, rainforest, and many, many numerous trails; and then when you think you couldn't see any more beauty, God pleasantly surprises you w/ the mighty Pacific ocean. The moss on these trees is so thick it just hangs...its so pretty. It was a full day for us, and the kids did great considering they have been in the car a lot this summer. It was approximately 400 miles on our speedometer. We were pooped when we pulled into our driveway at after midnight:)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Annie-Grace!

Annie-Grace was officially seven years old on August 8th. We had a small family party w/ her cousins and Aunt Debbie. The highlight was the "pee-yata" that she wanted really bad. I love that she still loves to wear dress-up clothes...even when they're ripped and shredded. I also love that she still mis-pronounces words and I have to admit its fun that she is way more "girlie" than me. She asked me today in a derogatory and dramatic tone, "Mom, why do you always like to wear pants and jeans?" (she is unaware that the reason is our old dress code @ O.R.U.) Should I be offended of my daughters opinion of my clothing attire? I just smile b/c she would wear a very pink flowered dress everyday if she could, and I would probably wear jeans everyday if I could. Oh I forgot, I already do!

Friday, August 8, 2008

More home pictures...

This walkway leads to the front door. Then this is a picture of dinning room and kitchen that looks out to back porch and back yard. That's my favorite part is the back porch....its so serene and green and pretty. Its my favorite place to drink coffee in the morning:)

It's Home

Ok, here it is! I wish all of you were here...its really hard to give you the full scope of how blessed we feel in this house. It is 10 years old, but we really love the "not so newness" of it. Its really hard to see the house from the curb, b/c it's very hidden by trees and landscape. This is our drive way, there is a garage right beside the van...that leads into the downstairs, or you can go around to the back, and enter through Dan's office. There is a small court yard type area, and then steps that lead up to my back porch. The main floor is actually the upstairs, b/c it was built on a slight hill. Understand?
I LOVE this Hydrangea plant. It is absolutely huge and when we first drove up, I nearly teared up b/c I've always wanted one. Of course, my favorite'ish purple. This is the family room, that looks out to the back porch...
Wish you could all come over for dinner....its only about 2,000 miles?!?
Hugs to all.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Our first ferry ride over was bright and early 8am. The kids were not thrilled w/the cold, but we were all excited to see our new home (especially since none of us had seen our new house). More on that later...we were not disappointed.

This is us celebrating Lucy's birthday. Daniel's sister lives here, so its wonderful for my kids to have cousins to play with for the first time.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Looking Up

The Redwoods were Daniel's favorite part of this trip. I felt like I was walking through one of the forests in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings novels. They were amazing. We had such a lovely hike through one of the many trails....minus losing Huggy for about 20 min. (another story). I know my pictures are limited in giving the full scope of the size of these trees...but seriously the trunks were about the width of our Honda accord. Just Beautiful.

San Francisco

Sorry every one. Its taken until today to get my server, and computer issues worked out. I've missed you!
So...this is day six, seven or eight of our trip up seems so long ago. The girls and I were having fun on a little 'merry go round' located on Pier ? was a fun day.

Fisherman's Warf....eating yummy fish'n chips.