Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bloedel Reserve

There is this place on the Island that is so amazingly beautiful. It is a 150 acre nature preserve and garden. It has a lovely 2 mile walk through a Japanese garden, Moss garden and water pools etc. I cant wait to see it in the fall, its supposed to be gorgeous.
So, just trying to entice any visitors.....The place gives a whole new meaning to the color green!!!!
Hope "ya'll" are settling into fall, school, and sports schedules. Dan is in school full time this semester, Im still training for a marathon and the kids....well the kids are great. Some are taking a break from activities and just playing:)
Blessings to all of you! We miss ya!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Summer Birthday Mania!

Its still amazing to me that Dan & I have four kids w/ their birthdays all with in 6 weeks of each other. Annie-Grace is 9, Lucy 11, Wilson 13, and Noah turned 15 this year. Their birthdays were a blast. Lucy got a bike, which she loves and has been riding everywhere- even on my training runs. Annie-Grace got new shoes, clothes and earrings. Wilson, an new phone and Noah a guitar. The boys also received baseball gloves. Just a quick THANKS to grandma and grandpa Wilson for all the great birthday clothes and gift cards. Aunt Courtney & Uncle Kory, the girls loved, loved their bracelets. And thanks to Pa-Paw for Noah's guitar- great gifts and thank you so much!!!

Time is flying by, they are all growing so fast. I have to brag and say they are amazing kids. Lucy spent many summer mornings selling lemonaide to golfers, Wilson did yard work, washed cars to earn all his money for Young Life camp. Noah walks dogs for extra money. So proud of all of them. Dan and I are some blessed parents.