Wednesday, June 16, 2010


To launch kids into high school, Woodward middle school has a huge 8th grade banquet, with dancing, games, dinner and big fun. Its an almost formal event.
What I can't believe, is that I will have a high school kid in the fall. Its amazing to me how Noah has grown up, and continuing to grow up into man hood. His voice has changed and he has hair on his legs! He makes money dog walking and baby sitting. He recently went on a gofer hunting trip w/ my dad, brother and some of my cousins in Montana. He has much to learn, as we seem to be confronted with daily, however, he is a good young man, and a pleasure to be his mom:)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Go Run

My Lucy likes to run. She joined a girls running group @ school this spring and had her first race. Sometimes she joins me on short runs- does part of it and heads home so I can finish my other half. Her end of the season was completed w/ a Viking Fest 1 mile fun run. Poulsbo is the next town north of us and its a little Norwegian sweet spot, thus the 'Viking' in Viking Fest:) I was so proud of her and have secret ambitions of her and I doing long runs and races when she's older, but for now I glowed and watched. Ok, teared up and watched. She was awesome, did her 1 mile in 9:21 min. and the best part was she had fun, and wants to do it again. I think she may have discovered the "runners high"!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bad blogger:)

Well, since it's June and I completely skipped April and May, I thought I would give some updates. Summer will be here soon and hopefully I can play catch up on some blogging. The kids are busy getting final projects turned in, Daniel his grad. school papers, me, well I got sucked into Monarch of the Glen. A wonderful little Scottish miniseries on BBC:) And, I have signed up to run a full marathon in November. It's the Seattle's 40th anniversary marathon and I will be turning 40 that week. So, I'm taking the plunge, and hopefully I will still enjoy running after it's all over. Why do I run? Well, I've asked this question to myself many times. The best answer....It get's the "yuck" out of me. All those unnecessary worries, thoughts, fears seem to get worked out a little better after a good sweaty run. I'm a better wife and mom for it, I hope. So, I'll probably be adding some blogs about my runs intermittently with the family stuff.
Blessings on everyone's summer, ours is still 14 days away....