Friday, October 30, 2009

Day Hike

Daniel and Lucy just got back from a little camping trip and found some treasures to show the rest of us. So, we loaded up our crew (Huggy included) and went 100mi west of us to the very scenic Olympic Mountains, a National Park and Forest. It is amazing. Camping the way God intended, I'm sure. We saw this amazing waterfall, after we hiked about a mile through the very green forest. Sol Duc is known for its hot springs (haven't done that yet), campsites, and waterfalls. We also drove to Hurricane Ridge, a 17mi winding, (I don't like winding up a mountain) but the views were spectacular. Huggy loved walking the trail w/ us, totally in his element.

We are also entering Fall w/ a bang...maybe I'll have those pictures next; and yes....I am showing off...b/c I still want more visitors :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not so Funny

Last Sunday night, Noah was skateboarding @ the park w/out his pads on. He fell and fractured his distal humerus in two spots that lead to the joint. Apparently not good. We were on pins and needles this week after a few visits to PA, doctor, then to Seattle Children's ortho-pedic doctor, pedi- surgeon and then CT skan to reveal (thank you God) NO surgery. My sweet husband did all these doctors visits- thank you sweetie. Meanwhile Noah is learning to write w/ his left hand and dressing and showering are still a bit challenging. He's doing good....the not so funny face is actually him not wanting his picture taken:)