Monday, October 19, 2009

Not so Funny

Last Sunday night, Noah was skateboarding @ the park w/out his pads on. He fell and fractured his distal humerus in two spots that lead to the joint. Apparently not good. We were on pins and needles this week after a few visits to PA, doctor, then to Seattle Children's ortho-pedic doctor, pedi- surgeon and then CT skan to reveal (thank you God) NO surgery. My sweet husband did all these doctors visits- thank you sweetie. Meanwhile Noah is learning to write w/ his left hand and dressing and showering are still a bit challenging. He's doing good....the not so funny face is actually him not wanting his picture taken:)


Charissa said...

Is this the first broken bone in your family? I don't recall any others. If so I think you are doing well. He looks like such a teenager now.

jennifer... said...

Poor Noah! Now he has war story, though, and it wasn't because of something dumb like tripping over his shoes.