Monday, June 16, 2008

Bug and Snake

How funny it's my girls outside holding a firefly and a harmless grass snake. Not my boys. In fact Noah (my eldest) wouldn't come near this snake and hid inside the house. His famous quote "I don't do bugs" when we've ask him to kill a insect that has invaded the home still makes me laugh.
Lucy informed me today that when she was four, she caught a toad and kissed him on the lips and she has never even had a wart in her life! I asked her to please not do that again:) Yuck!


jennifer... said...

How funny!  I can't believe we have the same sort of thing on our blogs today.  You're right - Lucy would fit in well with my boys!

liesel said...

I never knew this about your girls....How did I never learn this about them? Maybe it's because I've mostly seen them playing ponies and singing songs about "Style and Freedom".