Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break

Last week was Spring break. It was a low key week, no big travel plans. However we did take the yuckiest, wettest, coldest day of the week (purely unintentional) and drive to Port Townsend....take the ferry to Whodbey Island and drive to Deception Pass. There are fun hiking trails, the water was a beautiful green...and honestly it was a beautiful place....just not a beautiful day. I'm trying really hard in these pictures to not get my camera wet, and Annie-Grace despite layer, and layers whined and fussed about being cold the enire time. Dan thought it would be fun to throw a rock in the water....w/ it being so cold his fingers must have shrunk b/c as he threw the rock in, so he also threw in the water his Christmas present. A very cool celtic ring, signed by designer that Kory's fiance got @ cost where she works. We stood all of us staring into the cold water looking for a silver ring amongst silver rocks, in water that was laping up small stones and pulling them out to deep water. Argh! After searching and hoping we gave up, and descided to finish our walk across the bridge. Anyone scared of heights? Another Argh! Even though there was a walk way we still managed to get even more soaked by the cars splashing water up on us. We were all drenched....Annie-Grace's face was a mixture of tears and snot.
So....we descide to top off our fun day w/ cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Emotional eating @ its best! :)


jennifer... said...

Oh, Kirsten.  Sounds miserable but, I'll tell ya, it LOOKS beautiful.  I'm sorry Dan lost his ring - that's a downright bummer.  When is the best time to come so we can enjoy these things in the chances of nicer weather?

kirsten said...

Summer, early Fall was the best. Of course you never know about the rain, but that time is normally the most predictable.