Sunday, June 22, 2008


Some of you are aware of our current situation. The owners of the house we were to move into in July (lease agreements signed, money exchanged), have decided they want to stay. Two weeks ago he was diagnosed w/ cancer and also lost his military tour to Italy. He is fine now and healthy...doctors removed the localized skin cancer, but they want to break our lease agreement and now we are in a huge dilemma. We are frantically trying to find another house in the same area, for similar pricing etc. Please pray for us; we want what God wants. I have only stated less than half of this entire situation, and what it could cost us, from our housing goods still in storage to school issues. Thank you for your prayers:)


jennifer... said...

Kirsten, I'm so sorry.  I know how stressed you must be and I WILL pray for you.  If God has closed this door then 'plan B' will turn out to have been 'plan A' all along.  Forgive me for all my selfish comments about wanting you to stay!  You know I only want God's perfect will for the Donohues.  I love you all!

liesel said...

Praying for an even better arrangement than the first, Kirsten. Please keep me updated.