Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Well, we think we've got our house....although we are still waiting for the owners to fax us a copy of the signed "new" lease agreement. Yea....a home! We were supposed to leave Tulsa on July 1st, then it was going to be the 2nd and now its officially the 3rd (Thursday). This feels like the longest goodbye in history....just torture when I think of my dear friends I'm leaving. Thank you for all your prayers....


jennifer... said...

It's good to see your update.  I kept thinking of you yesterday, wondering how the traveling was going.  Now I know to think of you tomorrow!  I relate exactly to how you feel about your torturous goodbye.  I got to the point where I had to tell friends that I was gone even though I wasn't.  Isn't that terrible?  But I just couldn't stand the dragging out of it.  It was like an open wound that was going to bleed me to death if it didn't get closed up.  Give us another update soon.  I can't wait to see pictures of you in Seattle!

liesel said...

I wanted to see you one time before you left but I knew that would make it worse. Thanks for the phone message. I will miss you my friend. Maybe we can come to Seattle one of these days. I'm still mad at that SOMEONE who stole your blog name "Sleepless in Seattle" and then only posted one entry 5 years ago. Do you want to get revenge on them and send them lots of spam comments?

Marlita said...

It was fun seeing you the other night. I am glad things worked out in the house department. Keep posting! You will be missed!