Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun Couple Date

Dan and I had a fun date the other day while the kids were in school. We biked to the ferry into Seattle and biked to the REI store. If you know about this store than your thinking how lucky I am to have one so close. The 'out door lover' of any kind could browse for hours....
We went to buy some warmer bike accessories for me b/c the mornings have become quite chilly. This day happened to be a absolutely beautiful fall day.
This is one of the ferrys we ride. It's hard to see but cars load on the bottom and the side of the middle deck. I think its four stories.
This is a picture of my hubbie...we were waiting to board. The next is a picture I took from the ferry on our way back. In the distance you can see faintly Mt. Rainier...can you see it?
Lastly, this is me on our ride back. I had Dan take this picture b/c this is part of my ride to the ferry on working mornings....its called the Grand Forest...funny it's only about 2 miles, but very pretty and strangely serene at 5am in the dark:)


liesel said...

Oh Kirsten, it is beautiful!!! I can't get over the scenery! But I miss you SO much!!! I thought the blogging would help...I guess it does a little. How I would love to have a tearful or hysterical conversation over a cup of Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice latte with you!! :(

jennifer... said...

It's good to see you again!  I can't believe that little path you ride on at 5am!  Is there not a main road from the ferry??  It does look enchanted, though.  Mount Ranier looks absolutely awesome (I don't use that word very often).  I wish I could say I was impressed with your date but Greg and I did the exact same thing today.  Even took the same pictures...  jk