Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Meet the new member of the Donohue's. This is Fluffy Knuckles. She is Lucy's kitten she got for Christmas. Lucy really, really wanted a puppy, however, we did not need something else to potty train (I'm done w/ that). Cats tend to be easier that thus a kitten was given. As you can see, she's adjusted well to any disappointment of not getting a dog. Thank goodness!


liesel said...

Oh my, Fluffy Knuckles. Who came up with that name? Cute.

kirsten said...

Well, her name was originally Snowflake....but one night Daniel called her Fluffy Knuckles and we all thought it funny and well, Lucy liked it, so it stuck.

jennifer... said...

Well, Fluffy Knuckles completes the fam, doesn't she?  We're thinking about giving Josh a baby bunny for his birthday.  Know anything about keeping one of those?

kirsten said...

Just don't get a male and a female:)