Tuesday, July 28, 2009

For Sale!

So, we've had some issues. Boo is great, and we would really like to keep him, but when our landlord came over the other day b/c the entire 1/2 of the downstairs had flooded, (another story). He reminded us of the original lease, which says, " one dog". Oh, we were sad...he is normally a really nice guy, and we didn't know what irked him...maybe it was b/c he had to have the septic tank pumped out, after the flooding....any way he would not budge on the Boo issue:( And, so he must go....


Charissa said...

Poor, poor Boo. What kind is he Kirsten? He looks like a sweetheart!

kirsten said...

He's an Italian Mastiff....a special color called "brindle". We have people already coming to see him today:(

jennifer... said...

So that's what you meant.....I was wondering why he had to go. Would have rathered you said he was a bad dog that you really WANTED to get rid of. I'm sorry it's a different story.:(

Courtney said...

Your mom said yesterday you found a home for him?