Sunday, September 21, 2008


So....sorry if I bore you w/ my unspectacular quirky 6 things about myself. I think most of you know it goes....

1. I was made in Japan
2. My husband calls me "spatula challenged" . This refers to my ability to use the wrong kitchen utensil for the job. For example I might want to use a spatula to stir soup as opposed to a stirring spoon....or whatever is supposed to be used.
3. I once looked at my dear friends feet when she complained of her "crows feet" because I really did not know what she was talking about. I do know now, b/c I have them too.... I just have to look straight in the mirror:)
4. I was once yelled at by an Egyptian, pinched by a Jamaican and slapped by a Korean. These were all done in the country of origin, and I can honestly say I did nothing to provoke these events...they just happened during my years of over seas traveling....what can I say, I bring out the best in people!
5. I absolutely LOVE roller coasters but am terribly afraid of heights. I know that's a quirky one.
6. I seem to have a proclivity when getting my picture taken to often look like the person next to me is....well...pinching my bum. I don't know why, it just happens.

If you know any others- email them to me!

Hugs- DeVon your it!!!!!


liesel said...

I knew 3 of those things...the photograph comment made me miss you all the more.....Let's talk soon! Does DeVon have a blog? If she does, you really need to share it. :)

jennifer... said...

Hey, you came up with some good ones!!  I'm happy to know I was a part of one of the mentioned items (not the slapping one).  By the way, you did a good job of not looking pinched in the picture with your brother! 

Anonymous said...

hugs to you too! I want to say again i'm so proud of you for all of the challenges you are facing head on - last week at work I was accused of being a blond because of the size of light bulb I used - it was wrong and whenever someone calls to ask for directions to the shop I hand the phone to someone else - may be I am offense to anyone!! DeVon