Thursday, December 4, 2008

I Passed!!!!!

I passed my validations yesterday.....I PASSED!!!! What a relief...I was so tired of studying, and then feeling guilty when I wasn't studying. Argh, but yea, it's over...till next year, b/c we validate once a year. I apparently picked the only hospital to do these type of validations b/c no other hospital requires their ICU nurses to do this. So, I feel a tremendous weight has been taken off my shoulders, and so grateful to God for getting me through b/c in reality, I thought I would have to re-do at least part of it. I'm sure other ICU nurses may have had a easier time, but b/c I had never worked medical icu, my learning curve was higher...but it's done and I'm thankful, my home life, can now be my home life again:)


jennifer... said...

I'm glad you didn't pass gas or pass away, but you passed your validation!  Seriously Kirsten, I'm about to cry for you I'm so happy!  I've been in some angst over you lately and I'm glad you're getting a break.

liesel said...

Oh, Kirsten, I am so relieved to hear that you don't have that worry anymore. Thanks for sharing your good news!

liesel said...

and I'm glad you didn't pass a kidney stone either.

jennifer... said...

...or a law that bans using the oil of gladness.