Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Baby cakes"

It's hard to believe my youngest child is 8 years old. Annie-Grace would be very angry w/ me for the title of this blog, b/c I am only aloud to call her affectionately "baby cakes" in private....but hey, hopefully she'll forgive. So, the birthday feast included an ol' southern breakfast...bacon, eggs, biscuits, gravy, shrimp coctail, funnyons, tootsie rolls, and mint oreos! Whew! This girl cracks me up. She has a wild sense of humur (must be from Daniel)...I worry what will come out of her mouth when she sees my family this fall...but she mostly says things w/out malice, just words straight from her brain to her mouth. Oh, the drama! Yet, when your sitting next to her on the coach, she will lovingly stroke your hand, and always is willing to grocery shop to keep me company, a big smile when I look @ her, will joke w/ you and can take a good teasing, and so many sweet things........yep she's my baby cakes:)

1 comment:

jennifer... said...

Sweet!! My oldest and your youngest are a big EIGHT! It's just not right.....

Is she going into the 3rd grade? We'll be empty nesters at the same time. Wanna plan a trip in 2019?