Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Born

Wow! The first born is the finale of the summer birthday mania. He waits patiently all summer, as his siblings celebrate. It's a good way for him to exercise his maturity:)
Fourteen!!!! I have a fourteen year old....where has the time gone? He is a wonderful first born.....and watching him enter his teenage years has so far been a joy when compared to the typical American teen. He works hard in school, much more than his siblings, and I can't wait until he discovers how truely gifted he is. Just when I think he might be displaying some typical teenage attitude....he does something so sweet, or a friend will say what a polite young man he is... Happy Birthday Noah!!!! We love you!!!!


jennifer... said...

He is NOT fourteen! Yes, he looks like it but I really had no idea he was that old. Love to hear he's not the typical American teen....good job, guys!

Charissa said...

Fourteen. Oh dear. I'm scared. Fourteen. Wow. Happy Birthday Noah.