Saturday, January 22, 2011

Backtracking Part 2 December 2010

The Seattle Marathon was November 28th. I still look back on that day & find it hard to believe we ran 26.2 miles, but we sure did. Funny, the things I worried about during the run I didnt need to worry about @ all; like fueling properly- that wasn't an issue. I found an "espresso love" gel that worked great. However I did have a knee pain that suddenly arose @ mile 10 that required 6 Ibuproffin to get me through the race. Argh. The kids, an Dan cheered me into the finish line, it was very emotional. All those training miles logged and here we were finally finishing. Erika is my sweat sister who gets me through on these long runs, a dear friend to run side by side with.

Here is Annie-Grace celebrating moving up from Brownies to Girl Scouts. My dad & brother were in for a visit too, which was great "eating" fun. We visited all our favorite restaurants and even found a new one in China town, called Hong Kong Bistro....yummmm!!! Nothing like Asian noodles. We ate good!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Yea!! I'm so glad you're back. I had almost given up on you. You ran an entire marathon!! How cool is that? Glad you are all doing well. I remember back when we were in school that Daniel used to read textbooks "just for fun." I'm sure he's loving school.